Breaking Costco news of the day happening at the Costco in Issaquah, Washington testing a major change to you entering Costco, membership card scanners.

With the recent changes of needing to have your membership checked with photo ID at the register, now there will be two points of identification with its membership card scanners at the entrance of Costco. With the Issaquah Costco location being its headquarters, they are frequently seen testing new products and services before other warehouses.
Social media shows mixed reviews among its members base, but to be honest, i’d rather have someone be turned away at the entrance than have a full cart at checkout only to find that they can’t purchase anything without their membership card. It could also cause a bit more congestion at the entrance as customers try and dig out their cards at the membership card scanners.
What do ya’ll think? These membership card scanners a good idea or just another annoyance into the experience of Costco?
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