We’ve been seeing this Guava Lemon Green Tea pop up in many of our followers InstaStories that have tagged us and thought we’d give it a try! We love green tea, we love lemons, we love guava, and its comes in a 2 pack, so its bound to be a hit! Well not as great as we thought it would be, but lets talk about it.

With the first pour, it was for sure on the thicker side of consistency, which makes sense because of the guava. First sip down, it was definitely not what we were thinking it would taste like. The taste wasn’t bad, but it wasn’t great either. Not very lemony, a mild guava taste with lost of guava pulp. After finishing a cup of this, we would say it wasn’t that bad, but probably wouldn’t buy again. Especially looking at the nutritional facts, this had a whopping total of 43g of sugar with 33g of added sugar! Could find a different tea or beverage with less sugar that would taste better in our opinion.
Overall, we’ve seen both sides of Costco customers say they like and don’t like it. We will probably finish the second bottle, since it comes in a 2 pack, but will leave it at that. What do you think of this Guava Lemon Green Tea if you’ve tried it? Let us know!
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